第一章 病毒学基础

Phage Infection

1.烈性噬菌体 Virulent Bacteriophage

    Virulent Bacteriophages, such as T-even bacteriophages, are phages that lyse their host cells during the reproductive cycle

    Lytic cycle is a mechanism of phage multiplication that results in host cell lysis

     烈性噬菌体(Virulent phage):感染寄主细胞后,在短时间内完成增殖过程,产生子代噬菌体并裂解细菌的噬菌体,称为烈性噬菌体。

Lysogenic cycle

2 温和噬菌体、原噬菌体和溶原性细菌

Temperate Bacteriophage, prophage, and lysogenic bacteria:

 Temperate Bacteriophage:In contrast to T-even bacteriophages, some viruses do not cause lysis and death of the host cell when they multiply. These temperate phages may indeed proceed through a lytic cycle, but they also capable of incorporating their DNA into the host cell's DNA to begin a lysogenic cycle. In the latter state, called lysogeny, the phage remains latent (inactive).

      Phages that can multiply by by either mechanism are called temperate phages or lysogenic phages. The participating bacterial host cells are known as lysogenic cells.

     The bacteriophage λ is a well-studied temperate phage.

   温和噬菌体(Temperate phage):侵染宿主后不能在短时间内进行增殖、具有溶原性*的噬菌体,称为温和噬菌体。

Lysogenic cycle is a mechanism of phage multiplication that results in the incorporation of viral DNA into host DNA and the host cell remaining alive.

溶原性(lysogeny): 温和噬菌体侵染敏感细菌后马上裂解宿主、而是将其DNA整合到宿主染色体中、与宿主共存的特性。

原噬菌体(prophage)是指处于整合状态的温和噬菌体的核酸(DNA)。带有原噬菌体的细菌称为溶原性细菌(lysogenic bacteria/lysogen)。